Ff7 Pc Reunion Patch Tutorial
Final Fantasy VII is one of those games that you love to play even though the graphics are all outdated. But what if you could play the same old FF7 that you know and love with enhanced graphics? That's right, thanks to the dedicated hard-working people over in the Qhimm Forums there are unofficial 'patches' that you can get to enhance your FF7 experience.
Before I start I would like to let it be known that I did not create any of the mods in this instructable nor do I credit for them.
Some of the mods that I would recommend are:
1) Aali's Custom Graphics Driver (Allows you to increase the game resolution. It's also needed for most of the other mods)
2) Phoenix Rejuvenation Project (Changes most characters in the game from their blocky sprites to more lifelike ones)
3) Team Avalanche's Graphical Overhaul (Improves both 2d and 3d game backgrounds, GUI's, etc.)
There are a lot more cool mods that you can get (such as 9999 Limit Breaker, that allows your HP/MP/Damage go beyond 9999) but this instructable will only cover these four. If you want to look into more mods have a look at the Qhimm forums or go to FinalFantasy7PC .
Okay, so what you will need for this instructable is:
1) A PC. (Not a mac or Linux)
2) Software to decompress .zip files. (WinRAR is free and easy)
3) An official FF7 game for PC (Not the Ultimate version)
4) The official 1.02 Final Fantasy 7 PC Patch
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Nov 10 2018 Final Fantasy 7 The Shinra CHARACTER overhaul MOD. May 5 2013 Patch 12 comments. May 9 2009 FF7 PC Turks Mod Full Version 2 comments. Oct 05, 2011 Patches: Final Fantasy VII 1.02 Patch Chocobo Fix Patch NPC reconstruction patch 0.6 FF7 Music with PSF and Mp3s High Quality Cloud Aali-OpenGLDriver 0.7.11b. C H O C O B O P A T C H: Version 02 release 4 If you are one of those people who own Final Fantasy VII PC and tried to run it on Windows 2000. (Please see the FF7 ReadMe file for additional updated information.) Final Fantasy VII requires an IBM PC or 100% compatible computer. The minimum CPU speed required is a Pentium 166MHz without a 3D accelerator or a Pentium 133MHz with a recommended 3D accelerator. Your computer must have at.