Software Untuk Hack Game
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Software Untuk Mod Game
#1 Cheat Engine
Created in 2005, Cheat Engine has been the best, most in-depth, most well known and most beloved cheating software for PC gamers all over the world. Most people that get into PC game trainers and value editing, started out by downloading CheatEngine for free and scanning for values, changing money and health values, finding item IDs… then learned more and more to the point where they are able to create their own cheating software and trainers. Cheat Tables, the lightweight and much saver version of game trainers has become incredibly popular as well with tens of thousands of them out there and the .CT framework even being used to create hacks for online games beside the traditional single player application of the software.
Without and doubt, CE deserves to be the number 1 program on this list for not only providing an incredible game hacking tool, but a great community and many great trainers as well. Get it here.
#2 AutoHotkey
While this piece of software is not directly used to edit values and hack games straight up, it is still one of the most popular and beloved free cheating tools out there for online games on PC. AutoHotkey is a simple framework that allows players to create scripts and macros to gain significant advantages in all kinds of online games. Use healing items if you reach <50% helath? AHK can do it. Automatically disconnect from a game to avoid death? AHK can do it. Auto cast abilities, auto loot, Anti-AFK scripts, easier duping exploits through perfectly timed user inputs? AutoHotkey is the way to do it.
A great community developing scripts for tech applications and games alike, an awesome framework for recording and editing macros, rebinding any key to any other and a lot more. The only downside is that it is pretty hard to pick up for beginners. Get it here.
#3 Macro Recorders / Editors
Recording your maouse and keyboard inputs and then play them back for ever sound like a useful tool in exploiting PC games? It sure is. No matter if you are playing cookie clicker and need to record a quick macro to click 1000 times a second for you or if you are playing an RPG and want to auto farm some mobs that spawn in a static position, Macro Recorders have you covered. Simply hit record, perform your action, edit them in your macro editor and them play them back as many times as you need. This is not only good for clicking stuff for you, but even for setting up primitive farming bots for online games with static interface.
Another very nice tool if you are playing PC games that can be farmed very easily or if you are playing mobile games on your PC using an emulator. The cheapest bot software for PC that you will ever find. Get it here.
Software Untuk Hack Game Of Thrones
#4 Artmoney
This is the real deal: The Original OG game hacking tool for PC games. I remember people referring to this tool back when we used dial up internet. According to my research Artmoney came into being a full 4 years before CheatEngine and 3 days before 9/11 (coincidence?!?) on Saturday the 8th of September 2001. So the glory and honor of creating the first professional cheating software for PC games does to the Russian developers of this tools that wrote gaming history. – The only things that came before it were trainers and cheat codes. Artmoney started the glorious art of value editing and spawned other projects, namely Cheat Engine, which was heavily inspired by Artmoney and soon surpassed it in popularity.
Software Untuk Hack Games On
While Artmoney features many of the seame features as the more popular Cheat Engine, it offers additional options for scanning for values in emulated devices, such as the Nintendo 64, Amiga, Sega Genesis, Original PlayStation, SNES and many more PC emulated consoles. It also offers Tables (trainers) functionality as well. Free and paid versions of Artmoney exist. Get it here.
Software Untuk Hack Game Pc
#5 HxD Hex Editor
Hex editors and chief among then, HxD, have been the first universal game save editors, allowing PC gamers all over the world to get unlimited money in their games without having to use any kind of trainer or memory editing. Hex Editors also allow for very advanced save game hacking without the use of mods or specific save game editors. While it can be argued that simply using a memory editor in-game to change values directly is an easier and quicker way to go, save game editing has a much greater potential when it comes to more than simply changing a money value or getting unlimited health. Also hex editing save files has the upside that values with anti-cheating rewrites can no longer escape being changed. Overall another great tool for advanced cheaters. Get it here.
#6 Trainers / Tables
Everyone who loves PC gaming knows Trainers. Pres NUM1 for God Mode: “Activated”. We all remember the good times for finding a trainer for your specific version of the game, downloading it, hoping that it doesn’t trigger your antivirus and finally being able to get unlimited money, easy kills, God Mode and other awesome cheats in our game. – However, in recent years the rise of memory editing software has boosted the popularity of so called “Tables”, which are essentially trainers, but in a non-.exe format (usually plain text) that are a lot safer to download and share, since practically cannot contain any malware. Tables use the framework and unique coding language of memory editing software to create a trainer script that is run through the memory editor as a platform. So slowly but surely the PC gaming crowd is moving away from .exe based trainers towards the arguably superior, safer and easily modded and expanded format of (Cheat) Tables which can be used through the Cheat Engine and Artmoney frameworks. Get it here.
These are the Best PC Game Cheating Tools are:
Hack Game Mu
Software Untuk Hack Facebook
- CheatEngine
- AutoHotkey
- Macro Editors
- Artmoney
- HxD Hex Editor
- scanmem & GameConqueror
- Cheat Tables
- .exe Trainers